Thursday, June 28, 2012

Frozen Hot Chocolate

So, I jump on bandwagons sometimes... Don't judge me.

For example, I'm glad leggings made a classy come back. Now you can wear them with dresses and people don't judge you. I'm just a little sad ruffle socks didn't come back with them.

And maybe I did read all four of the Twilight books and get just a tad bit (OK, a lot) excited about the movies coming out.

And yes I WILL be standing in line this weekend to join the Magic Mike bandwagon.

So to stay true to my bandwagon-ing I had to make frozen hot chocolate.  Seriously, why wouldn't you?

See people, sometimes being a bandwagoneer is a good thing. 

P.S: This tastes JUST like a frosty!

All you need is:
3 packets of hot chocolate mix
1 cup milk
2 cups ice

whipped cream
chocolate shavings/chips

  • Place first 3 ingredients in your blender and combine. 
  • You want it icy, thick and delicious. (Sometimes I describe myself this way to people to see the look on their faces... ha ha I kid.)
  • Top with whipped cream and chocolate and enjoy. Use a spoon, a straw or just chug it. The last one usually causes a brain freeze though so I wouldn't suggest it.

While I drink mine I'm coming up with a way to get "bandwagon-ing" and "bandwagoneer" in the dictionary. Wish me luck!


  1. Looks like a delicious, and perfect treat for blistering summer days!

    Smiles :)

    p.s Good luck with the good folks at "Webster" :)

  2. This looks icy cold and yummy .. happy bandwaggoning! You could be the "The Bandwagoneer Pioneer". :)

  3. This looks super for a hot summer day. I am pinning it :)

  4. What bandwagon? How did I not know about this? I have never even heard about frozen hot chocolate, but I'm glad I have now!

  5. Love, love, love frozen hot chocolate!!! Thanks for linking up to "Strut Your Stuff Saturday!" Hopefully we'll see you tomorrow at 8pm MDT for this week's party! :) -The Sisters
