Saturday, August 31, 2013

Halloween Advent Calendar

I love love LOVE Halloween.

It's kind of an obsession of mine. But not in a creepy, blood, guts and gore kind of way. I love hokey Halloween. Cute ghosts, goofy pumpkin faces...
And Disney movies (say what almost 30 year old!?) I know, I know... But I could watch Hocus Pocus and Halloween Town on repeat year round. I don't though, I promise... (shh, yes I do...)

Every August, after my Birthday, I treat myself to a Halloween baking magazine. It's my guilty pleasure.

So I hope to pass on fun Halloween traditions to my boys, like this cute Halloween advent calendar!

It's so easy, and all of the supplies cost me less than $10! The best part? It is really easy to swap out for Christmas.

I started with the 7th of October, as to not purchase 2 muffin tins but the 24 slots will be perfect for the 1st-24th of December!

This calendar is easy to pull together and even EASIER if you have helpers (thank you Cousin/sister!)

Wanna know how to make it? Great!

Here's what you will need:

  • 24 count mini muffin tin
  • Magnets (I used Avery business magnet sheets, found here)
  • Various Halloween and number stickers
  • Halloween scrapbook paper
  • Scissors and scrap booking glue
Start by cutting out your magnet sheets, in a circle shape just a little larger than the muffin tin. 

Cut your scrapbook paper the same size and glue onto the back (paper side) of the magnet. The great part about using the Avery magnets is one side is magnetic and one is paper, this makes for easy adhesion.

This paper worked out perfectly since it already had the "12" in place! Add a decorative sticker, jewels, ribbon, or accent of your choice... And place magnetic end down on to your muffin tin!

(see how well it sticks!?)

Continue doing this with various scrapbook paper designs, stickers, and number stickers! Really use your creativity here, until all 24 slots are filled!

When the day comes, fill the tin with your desired candy or treat of choice (candy corn, small candies, or Halloween toys and stickers are great!) The finished product will look something like this:

This calendar makes for a totally fun way to countdown to Trick or Treating! Another great idea would be to fill the slots with activities such as, "take a hayride" or "carve pumpkins!"
Kids will love this fun interactive calendar as well!
Enjoy and have fun counting down to the haunting season!

Sorry to post this so early, I just looooove Halloween and luckily, so does my little guy!


  1. What a cute idea! I love that you hide treats inside the muffin tins. My children would love this. Especially the treats!

    I found you at The Frugal Girls Linky Party. I'd love for you to hop over to visit me.

    I'm off to see what other fun things you've been doing on your blog!

  2. I think a countdown advent calendar is such a creative idea.
